How do I…
There are Many Ways to Navigate Your City Website
Welcome to the „How do I?“ section of the City’s website. The website menus have been designed to help you find the information you are looking for quickly and easily. Use the menus to the left and below to find the answers to questions about the services provided by the City.
Please let us know if there is any additional information or improvements to this website that you would like to suggest.
Thank you
- Access the Archive Center
- Check Zoning
- Contact Utility Companies
- Get a Birth or Death Certificate
- Get/Renew a Business Tax
- Get a Marriage License
- Get a Permit
- Get Affordable Housing Information
- Get Court Information
- Make a Donation to Human Services
- Obtain Bid Information
- Pay My Parking Citation
- Report an Abandoned Vehicle
- Report Problem Street Lights
- Report a Problem with Traffic Signals
- Request Public Records