

Pools Registration for Summer Swimming

If you and your family do not have 2016 pool passes, you will need to get them to swim in City of WordPress city pools this summer.  Save time by pre-registering online and and then pick up your passes passes at any of these places and times.

Mayor’s Office of Consumer Information Available to You

The Mayor’s Office of Consumer Information, a local consumer program funded by the Massachusetts Attorney General’s Office will be there to provide free consumer pamphlets and brochures and answer consumer questions.  Consumer advocates will also assist consumers in obtaining their free credit reports and provide referrals to other agencies, if necessary. A Spanish-speaking representative will be available to assist. More >>

Energy Savings Programs for Residents

City of WordPress Partners for Community Action works closely with Western Massachusetts Electric Company (WMECO) and Columbia Gas to offer free programs to save you money, including home weatherization services, light bulbs, and resources that can save you $350 annually in energy bills. Download the program flyer to learn more >>

Месечен бюлетин

Това е официалният сайт на Район Северен – Община Пловдив. Оставаме на ваше разположение и благодарим за подкрепата в усилията ни да направим нашия район по-зелен, чист и уютен за всички жители.


гр.Пловдив, 4003, бул. "Цар Борис III Обединител 22А

Работно Време:

Понеделник – Петък:

8:30 часа – 17:00 часа

Обедна почивка:

12:00 часа – 12:30 часа

Банкова сметка за заплащане на административни услуги

Район „Северен“ гр.Пловдив бул. „Цар Борис III Обединител“ №22А

ЕИК 0004715040065     

ДДС № BG000471504

IBAN: BG64IORT73753102001300    



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